Depression can be very debilitating, it can range from mild to severe and affect anyone. About 1 in 5 people will experience depression at some point in their lives and can occur for many reasons, including painful life events, chemical changes within the body, loss & bereavement. Although it is normal to feel sad or unhappy about things sometimes, depression often causes people to feel deep sadness and unhappiness for extended periods of time- often months or years.
It can also adversely impact on a persons self confidence, self esteem and self worth and sufferers may feel that they want to avoid social interaction. Depression can make people feel very lonely even though others are around and it can often feel very difficult to reach out.
Symptoms can include-
Constantly feeling tired & sleep disturbance,
Anxiety & or irritability
Loss of interest in things previously enjoyed.
Feeling tearful
Changes in appetite,
Loss of interest in sex.
Suicidal thoughts.
Feeling unable to cope.
How can Counselling help?
Counselling can help you make sense of how you are feeling and identify the underlying causes leading to you feeling depressed. The therapist will support and help you as you work through the difficulties experienced with depression.
Understand your feelings and emotions
Identifying the triggers of your depression.
Understanding the emotional impact..
Develop effective coping strategies.
If you are experiencing suicidal thoughts and you need urgent support, the Samaritans offer a free 24/7 helpline and can be reached on 116123 from any phone.